Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Spivey Algernon Fremouw - RIP

So little and so sweet...
He took his last breath on our garage floor
The cutest little mouse
We named him Spivey Algernon Fremouw
And I gave him a proper burial
Under a tree in our front yard
Rest in Peace our little friend

(yes, we're dorks. LOL)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bad movie, good movie

Class got done early today, so I was able to enjoy a low-key afternoon and evening. I walked on the beach and the pier, watched the seals for awhile, took some pictures, and got my dinner from Avila Grocery. Back at the room, I settled in with my sandwich, prepped for class, and got a chance to watch a couple of movies.

First was P.S. I Love You, with Hilary Swank.... it was honestly quite bad. I really enjoyed her in Million Dollar Baby, but this movie was slow, sad, and rather odd.

Second movie was Anywhere But Here, one of my favorites, with Susan Sarandon and Natalie Portman. This is a movie that they got right. They got it right enough that when I watch it, I always feel a little guilty when I recognize the resemblance between Sarandon's character and myself. She's a bit crazy, single mother, and can't stand being in her small town anymore. She has big dreams and limited possibilities. The power gets shut off occasionally and when totally depressed, she and her teenage daughter get ice cream. Her ex left when the daughter (Portman) was very young.

I was, probably still am, that crazy mother. I believed fiercely in my dreams and packed up my girls to find "a new life". I remember a few blips in our electricity and cable. But what strikes me most is that no matter the disagreements and struggles, Sarandon captures the absolute love and unwavering adoration of her daughter. Despite hurts on both sides, all they have is each other. I have regrets that I wasn't a better mother, that I perhaps didn't set a good example, but you know what, I loved my girls from the moment I felt them move and that love has only grown over the years. Yeah, our life might have been a little unconventional, may have lacked some of the material things in life, but it did not lack love. And hey, that touch of craziness just made our life more interesting, right?

Even if they are on the verge of being adults themselves and think they are big, I know the truth: they will always be my babies.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Truth be told, Thanksgiving was a huge heartbreak and one that may take a little bit of time for me to mend. I was so excited about having the whole family there, especially with Brandy flying in as a special guest on Thursday night.

We had already planned to move the dinner to Friday dinner because Tom and Sue were going to be out of the country until Thursday evening and that would give me an extra day to recover from my surgery. I cooked lots of food (two turkeys, a ham, 8 pies, etc) with help from Brooke and Brandy. We decorated everything to reflect the festivities.

Understatement of the century, but things didn't go at all as expected. I can't even go into a lot of details without crying. Maybe I'll write more later, but suffice to say I 'm struggling with the idea of doing another family gathering anytime soon. At the very least, the guest list will be significantly reduced with certain parties eliminated.
Best part of the day: time with the Fremouw family and the babies!!! Lots of time with my babies (although 22, 19, and 17) might not qualify as babies!

I was once again reminded just how thankful I am for Devin's family and my girls!

She's Here...

Happy Birthday Hailee!!!!!

My first grandchild (ok, almost-grandchild) is here!!! Little baby Hailee was born today weighing 6lbs, 15 oz!! Treva did an amazing job! I cannot wait to meet little Miss Hailee! And guess who gets to take her first official photographs?

Unfortunately, I have to wait until Monday, at the earliest, to see her since I flew to Avila Beach this morning (although what a great place to be!). My flight to SFO was cancelled, but United had me re-booked on US Airways and although I had to switch terminals, I was able to take a direct flight to San Luis Obispo.

If I haven't mentioned it before, I LOVE Avila Beach! And keep in mind, I'm just not a California gal... I'm east coast, all the way. Completely prefer the Atlantic Ocean over the Pacific Ocean. (Although San Francisco is one of my favorite cities). But there is just something about Avila Beach. It's beautiful, unique, and incredibly quiet. Like an undiscovered Mayberry plopped down on the most choice piece of land imagineable. I've met and talked with enough of the locals to firmly believe that they are genuinely nice and down-to-earth, with a kindness and compassion unlike any other place I've visited. It's this genuine friendliness that makes the customer service and customer experience top notch.

My recommendations:

  • Joe Momma's Coffee Shop - not only do I rent a room from them (skip the hotel and go for the local feel!) but they also provide my morning latte!

  • Avila Beach Grocery - A++++ for the cheeseburger and homemade chips. I will go out on a limb and say they make the best cheeseburger ever! Add the great service onto it, and it's pretty much heaven!

  • The pier - nothing negative to say. You get your exercise while practically feeling as though you are walking on water. Not just regular water, the powerful ocean that is just teeming with sea creatures! The local fisherman add flavor to the experience and there is nothing better than a beautiful sunset with the light sparkling off the water. Breathtaking.

  • And of course, no visit would be complete without a stop at Hula Hut - LOVE their fudge!!

It took some patience, but I was able to eventually catch a mommy and baby dolphin! Oh, and I was entertained by a Rock Star sea bird. He was all about getting his picture taken - even to the point of posing for over 45 minutes with his wings spread out to each side. Funniest thing!

Yes, this is now on my list as a favorite place (along with Standish, Bucksport, Old Orchard, and Raymond, ME, Bangalore and Kibini India, and Brighton, England).